Introducing Virginia Jenkins, a lawyer, mum of four boys and dynamic and prolific content creator. Virginia utilises her platforms to share expert styling tips and outfit inspiration, empowering her audience to curate a thoughtful wardrobe for both work and leisure. Alongside fashion advice, she offers candid insights into her career and reflections on balancing the demands of work and home life, creating a relatable and inspiring connection with her followers.

What's your name and what do you do?

Hi! I’m Virginia. I’m a Sydney-based lawyer and share the outfits I wear to work on social media and my blog. Making content started as a creative outlet but it’s been going strong for over 5 years with a life of its own! I love the fact that I get to wear different hats - both of which are so different but balance each other out nicely.

What is your personal approach to your style?

I think my style is, at its core, very classic. It’s also really important that I’m comfortable in what I’m wearing as I’m out and about often with the routine I have with work and the kids. Good quality basics occupy a big chunk of my wardrobe and post-pandemic, there’s been less of a line between my work clothes and my weekend clothes - a lot of the pieces I wear now do double duty.

Virginia wears the Mindy Dress in Forest Stripe.

How would you describe the aesthetic?

I’m mostly heading to work whenever I leave the house, but I like to think that my aesthetic isn’t very stuffy or corporate! It’s important that my outfits for work are elevated to match the office environment but I’ve been able to achieve this while still staying true to my personal style.

"I like to think that my personality comes through with the choices I make - I love a pop of colour (the simple throw-on dresses from Foemina are totally my jam, particularly in all the amazing colours!) and I always feel my best whenever I’m comfortable and relaxed."

My outfit plays a key role here!

Take us through your creative process, how do you find focus and what drives you?

With my day job being so traditional, it really fuels my creative pursuits. That’s not to say lawyers aren’t creative people because I know so many that are, but I get a lot of joy from creating content and connecting with my audience. I thrive on being productive (and can sometimes be my worst enemy with all of the ideas I have but so little time!), and I’m driven by my passion for what I share.

In a world where digital presence is crucial, how do you maintain authenticity in your online presence?

I think authenticity is the numero uno ingredient in staying sane in this crazy digital world we live in! I don’t think I would enjoy content creation if I wasn’t being true to myself (and I think my audience would very quickly see right through me if I was being inauthentic!). There’s a lot that I keep offline, but of the things I do share, I’m really open.

"I speak to my audience as if I were speaking to my closest friends and it creates a lot of trust and connection. I also know my strengths and I will say no to a lot of things I don’t feel inspired by, just to drive home that authenticity point!"